Social Media sisters who were released in the case of honorSocial Media sisters who were released in the case of honor

Lahore: The sister of the Pakistani social media star, who was killed in one of the “honorary murder,” the most famous in the country was released on Monday after being in charge of less than six years in prison, a lawyer said.
Qandeel Baloch, 26, became famous for its challenging posts that flew in front of the domestic Patriarchal Mores before his death in 2016.

His brother Muhammad Waremem was arrested and then sentenced to living in prison for strangling him, boldly told the press, he had no regret for the murder because of his behavior “cannot be tolerated”.

“He was fully released” by the court in East Multan, his lawyer Sardar Mehboob told AFP, without providing further details.

Court orders have not been published.

This case became the highest “honorary murder” of the past few years – where women handled deadly punishment by relatives of men who were said to bring “shame” to family reputation.

Under Changes in Pakistani law recently, the perpetrators can no longer seek forgiveness from families of victims – sometimes their own families – and to make their sentences move.

However, whether the murder is defined as an honorary crime handed over to the policy of the judge, which means theoretical killers can claim different motives and are still forgiven.

In the case of Baloch, his parents initially insisted their son would not provide forgiveness. But they then changed his mind and said that they wanted him forgiveness.

A lawyer for the mother of a biological brother said he had given his “approval” to forgive him, according to his lawyer Safdar Shah.

He is expected to be released this weekend.

“Waseem is now running free while Qandeel is condemned because stepping out of what boundaries are considered ‘acceptable’ for women in Pakistan,” said the biography of Sanam Maher told AFP.

“After the verdict today, we can ask, who killed him?” He added.

Three months after Pakistani Baloch’s murder parliament passed through a new law mandating a lifelong imprisonment for honor killings.

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