Videos from the largest aircraft in Ukraine were destroyed to be viral; Deny maker.

Russian-Ukrainian War: AN-225 Mriya, the largest aircraft in the world of Ukraine was destroyed in Russian shootings last week

Viral Video Ruins AN-225 Mriya, the largest aircraft in the world destroyed by Russia in Ukraine, has now become a viral.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba was brought to Twitter and announced that Mriya, which he discussed with the national pride of the country had been destroyed. “This is the largest airplane in the world, an-225 ‘Mriya’ (‘Dream’ in Ukraine). Russia may have destroyed our ‘Mriya’. But they will never be able to destroy our dreams of strong, free and democratic European countries . We will win!, “Kuleba has tweeted.

Viral videos do rounds on social media show black smoke out of the plane in Aerodrome near Kyiv.

However, Antonov aircraft manufacturers tweeted updates on viral videos, stated that technical experts examined the current condition of the plane. It asked the netizen to wait for an official announcement about the condition of the plane.

According to Ukroboronprom, the company that manages Antonov, issued a statement that said it would cost three billion dollars to restore the plane to its original condition and the process would take time, the Metro website reported.

Designed and built in Ukraine, AN-225 Mriya took his first flight on December 21, 1988. Considered the largest aircraft in the world, he had six machines, 32 wheels and wingspan 88.4 large meters. Mriya has set a world record from the toughest payload carried by one field: 253 tons.

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