Dead woman in Russia partially ‘eaten by her 20 cats'. Police discovered body after 2 weeksDead woman in Russia partially ‘eaten by her 20 cats'. Police discovered body after 2 weeks

A woman in Russia was partly eaten by 20 of her cats after she died at home. The police found the corpse two weeks later after receiving complaints by the female colleague.

The woman, whose identity has not been revealed, is a cat breeder who has 20 Maine Coon cats.

These cats are a very popular domestic type originating from the State of Maine. They are known for their muscular buildings, passive nature and are often referred to as “soft giants”.

The incident occurred in the city of Russia Bataysk and was revealed after the police received a telephone call that cared about the female colleague, The Sun reported.

The police said that the woman had died for two weeks after she fainted and her pet cat survived all of this while eating a portion of the owner’s body. They have found a body that is eaten partly surrounded by hungry cats.

An animal rescue expert who took a cat under his care said that their actions were “understood”, the publication reported.

The cats were left alone for two weeks, there was no food, so what else should you eat?” He says. “That’s understandable right? They eat what is there.”

While some healthier cats have been repeated, it is unclear whether the new owner realizes what is happening.

However, this is not the only event of its type.

A woman in British Hampshire was found half eaten by her pet cat, after her body remained not found for two months, reporting standards.

Meanwhile, research has found that cat owners who died at home are at risk of living. Scientists made the discovery after two cats entered their research center to party in a rotting corpse in Colorado, USA.

By james

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