US Man, Convicted Of Murder, Executed Despite Objection From Victim's Family

A man who was punished for killing his ex -girlfriend was executed in the state of South Alabama AS) on Thursday despite objections from the victim’s family.
Joe Nathan James, 49, was sentenced to death in 1996 due to the 26 -year -old Faith Hall murder.

The time of James’s death was 21:27 (0127 GMT Friday) according to the Office of Attorney General Alabama. He has been scheduled to be executed through deadly injection.

James has submitted a petition to the US Supreme Court to continue to execute “in accordance with the wishes of the family members of the victims who are still alive.”

“The victims and their families are very important in our judicial system, and are worthy of being heard about the highest punishment issue of violators,” James’s lawyer said in an appeal to the Supreme Court.

Hall’s daughter, who was six and three years old when their mother was killed, said that they wanted to live James.

“I don’t want it to go forward. We are not God,” Terryln Hall told CBS 42.

“Eyes for the eyes have never been a good view for life,” added his sister, Toni Hall.

James was punished for shooting Faith Hall to death after he broke their short relationship.

In a statement, Attorney General Alabama Steve Marshall said “Justice has been served.”

“Joe James was sentenced to death for a heinous acts that he did almost three decades ago: cold -blooded murder against an innocent young mother, Faith Hall,” he said.

James is the eighth person who was executed in the United States this year.

By james

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