Former US President Donald Trump said on Monday that his residence in Mar-A-Lago in Florida was “raided” by FBI agents in what he called the act of “violation of prosecution.”
The FBI refused to comment on whether the search occurred or what might have happened, Trump also did not give an indication why the federal agent was in his home-a situation that added legal pressure to the former president.

Some US media outlets quoted sources close to the investigation that said that the agent conducted an official court search related to the potential errors in handling secret documents that had been sent to Mar-A-Lago.

In a statement posted on the social network of truth, Trump said “His beautiful house, Mar-A-Lgo in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently surrounded, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents.”

Mar-A-lago air recordings showed police cars outside the property. Supporters of former US leaders also gathered outside, waving banners with the name Trump or American flag displayed by his face.

“This is a violation of the prosecution, weapons of the judicial system, and attacks by the Radical Left Democrats who really do not want me to run for president in 2024,” said Trump, who was not present during the attack, according to the new York Times.

“Such attacks can only occur in damaged third world countries. Unfortunately, America has now become one of the countries,” he said, added: “They even entered my safe!”

Some senior Republican also descended on social media to criticize the attack and accuse the Department of Justice Overreach.

The national archive said that in February there had been 15 document boxes from Trump’s Florida Estate, which was reported by The Washington Post including highly classified texts, taken with him when he left Washington after the defeat of his election again.

Documents and mementos-which also included correspondence from former US president Barack Obama-should have legally submitted at the end of Trump’s presidency but instead ended at his Mar-A-lago resort.

The recovery of the box raises the question of Trump’s compliance with the President’s Law which was imposed after the 1970s Watergate scandal that required the occupants of the Oval Office to preserve records related to administrative activities.

The archive has requested that the Department of Justice opens an investigation of Trump’s practice.


The White House staff also regularly found a lump of toilet that clogged paper, making them believe that Trump tried to get rid of certain documents, according to the book that was coming by the New York Times reporter, Maggie Haberman.

Since taking his last Air Force One flight from Washington to Florida on January 20 last year, Trump remains the most polarized figure in the country, continuing his unprecedented campaign to sow falm that he really won the 2020 election.

For weeks, Washington had been fixed by an audience at the congress about January 6 which invaded the Capitol by Trump’s supporters and his efforts to cancel the election.

The US Department of Justice also investigated the attack on January 6.

While Attorney General Merrick Garland has refused to comment on the increase in speculation that Trump can face criminal demands, he insists that “no one is above the law” and that he intends to “ask for accountability for everyone who is criminalized responsible for trying to cancel the election legitimate. “

Trump is also being investigated for his efforts to change the results of the 2020 voting in the state of Georgia, while business practices are being investigated in New York in separate cases, one civil and other criminals.

Mogul Real Estate has not officially declared his nomination for the 2024 presidential election, even though he has given strong clues over the past few months.

With the current ranking of President Joe Biden’s approval under 40 percent and Democrats are expected to lose control over the Congress in the mid -November midfield, Trump seems to be bullish that he can move up the Republican wave of the White House in 2024.

By james

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