The simplest and most abundant elements in the universe are hydrogen. Only one proton and one electron that forms this atom. Scientists from the University of California have discovered a new method for producing hydrogen gas from water at room temperature, a report said from Newsweek.
According to Santa Cruz Works, typical aluminum nanoparticles combined with water to make hydrogen at room temperature. Because of its strong reactivity, aluminum can produce hydrogen gas by absorbing oxygen from water molecules. Because of the rapid reaction of aluminum with air and the formation of aluminum oxide layers that prevent additional reactions, it is often used in devices that come in contact with water without causing risk.

Scientists have studied aluminum reactivity for many years to develop efficient and economical ways to produce clean hydrogen fuels.

In new research, aluminum nanoparticles are produced by cheap gallium and aluminum alloys that react quickly with water at around the temperature to release a large amount of hydrogen.

After the reaction, which gives 90 percent of hydrogen which may theoretically result from the reaction of all aluminum in composite, gallium is easily restored for further use, according to research.

Scott Oliver, a chemical professor from the University of Columbia Santa Cruz said, “We do not need energy input, and it bubbles hydrogen like a crazy person. I have never seen something like this.”

Hydrogen is not an energy source, this is a means of transporting energy. However, rarely found by itself in nature and must be produced from substances that contain them. These particles can store and distribute the energy that can be used. However, there is no material used in this renewable production method: they usually use coal, natural gas, or oil.

By james

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