Sri Lankan's economic crisis can cause more deaths than Covid-19, warns docters

Some facilities have suspended routine operations since last month because they were very low in anesthesia, but SLMA said even emergency procedures might not be possible soon.

The worst economic crisis of Sri Lanka can cause more death than Covid-19 pandemic, doctors warn on Sunday because they almost ran out of medicines that save the lives. The island country is struggling with power outages and lacks food, fuel, and severe pharmacy.

The Sri Lankan Medical Association (SLMA) said all hospitals in this country no longer have access to imports of imported medical devices and vital drugs, according to the AFP news agency.

Some facilities have suspended routine operations since last month because they were very low in anesthesia, but SLMA said that even emergency procedures might not be immediate.

“We were made to make a very difficult choice. We have to decide who gets treatment and who will not,” said AFP quoted that said after it released a letter, the group had sent President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in the previous day to warn about the situation.

“If supplies are not restored in a few days, the victim will be far worse than from a pandemic,” he said.

Installation of public anger over the crisis has seen a large protest calling for resignation of Rajapaksa. Thousands of people serve heavy rain to maintain demonstrations outside the seafront office leader in the Colombo capital for the second day.

Rajapaksa, meanwhile, has invited the Allies of the 11-parties coalition consisting of 42 independent parliamentarians for discussion of the country’s worst economic crisis, according to a media report.

During the meeting, scheduled to take place on Sunday night, parliamentarians will also ask the President to remove his brother, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, and appointed a new cabinet to overcome the unprecedented crisis faced by the island state.

Last week the entire Sri Lankan cabinet resigned from Mahinda when the country faced the worst economic crisis since getting independence from England in 1948.

During the meeting, parliamentarians will also distribute a list of proposals to the President Rajapaksa to save Sri Lanka from the current economic and political crisis, the Colombo News Portal page reported.

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