Russia has released a video that seems to mock sanctions slapped by Western countries for attacking Ukraine. The video invites people to move to Russia, who have “delicious cuisine, beautiful women and cheap gas”, according to the supersa text. The clip has been posted on the social media grip of the Russian Embassy worldwide and ended with the message “Don’t delay …. winter will come”. Russia has faced a global criticism for attacking Ukraine to stop him joining the military alliance supported by Western NATO.

The 53 -second clip titled ‘Time To Move to Russia’ began with a voice that spoke in English and said, “This is Russia”. The video then promotes “delicious Russian cuisine, beautiful women, cheap gas, rich history, unique architecture, fertile land, cheap electricity and water, ballet, cheap taxis and shipping, traditional values, hospitality, vodka.”

There is no “Cancer Culture” in Russia and has a rich history and literature, he said further.

Right before the end, the recording said that Russia had a “strong economy that could hold thousands of sanctions”.

This video has become viral, with thousands of users posting comments.

“Really funny. Appreciate dark humor,” commented Facebook users. “I will send this video to Europe and their western friends,” said another.

Many slammed the country because it attacked Ukraine. “I am really waiting for the part where they will say this is Russia-a country that can attack in the middle of the night, killing 1000 innocent Ukraine and making millions of homeless people last night,” said a Facebook user.

It’s been more than five months since the Ukraine invasion began and despite the great loss suffered by their troops and strict sanctions, Russian troops placed in the brave front.

By james

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