5 Reasons why India stepped carefully in Ukraine5 Reasons why India stepped carefully in Ukraine

New Delhi: India Abstain for the UN resolution related to the Russian Ukrainian invasion for the second time in a week. On Sunday, India Abstain at the UN Security Council resolution to call on a rare special emergency session of the UN General Assembly regarding Russian aggression against Ukraine.
New Delhi also welcomed Moscow and Kyiv’s decision to hold talks on the Belarus border.

On Friday night, India Abstain with UNSC resolution to regret Russian aggression, with New Delhi said dialogue was the only answer to resolving differences and expressing “regret” that the diplomatic path was submitted.

So far, India has stopped condemnation directly from the Russian invasion. Why is India stepping carefully in Ukraine?

Here are five reasons:

  • For India, the Ukrainian crisis has run in Teightrope who has placed it under pressure from “Russian old friends and” new friends in the West “.
  • Russia is the largest supplier of Indian Defense Weapons and has provided ballistic missile submarines to India.
  • India operates 272 SU 30 Russian-made combat jets. It has eight kilo class submarines made by Russia and more than 1,300 Russian T-90 tanks.
  • Apart from US pressure, India has been firm about the purchase of the S-400 air defense system, the most sophisticated surface-to-air missile system. India signed a $ 5 billion contract with Russia in 2018 to buy a missile system.
  • Russia also stood in India at the UN Security Council about all problems, officials explained.

The US has also made pressure on India to commit to a stronger response to Russia.

On Thursday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, spoke to the Foreign Minister S Jaishankar, has emphasized the importance of “strong collective response” to condemn what America called “Premeditated, Unprocedia, and unfair in Ukraine”.

The US, for India, remains the main partner in defense, trade and technology.

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